Poetry Section
His Time
So many times, impatiently
I’ve paced the floor and fussed;
When all I need is to commit,
And in my Saviour trust.
How often I’ve complained and fumed
While there was not a thing
For me to do, but wait HIS TIME,
And to His goodness cling.
Teach me, my Lord, to count on Thee,
To trust Thee, and be still;
To learn Thy perfect timing well,
While resting on Thy will.
Thy time is best, Thy ways are right,
All comes from Thy good hand;
All works for blessing in my life,
By Thee so wisely planned.
extracted from the May 2023 issue of Youthful Days
God loves me
There’s the wonder of sunset at evening,
The wonder of sunrise I see,
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me.
George Beverly Shea
extracted from the Jan 2023 issue of Youthful Days
On the Rock
The house that's built upon the sand
The storms of life cannot withstand
And at a hint of trouble, it will fall.
When doubts come knocking at the door
And floods of fear cover the floor,
This house will not be able to stand tall.
But if, instead of shifting sand,
The house is built on rocky land
And the foundations dug are deep and true,
When anger or temptation calls
They will be kept outside the walls.
The house stands strong and stays as good as new.
Don't set your heart on things down here.
From Earth's attractions steer well clear.
It's pleasures very soon will fade away.
But lean instead upon the one
Who to the cross for us has gone;
Who promises to stay with us each day.
So build your life upon the Rock,
On Jesus Christ, our Lord and God.
To keep and protect us, He'll never fail.
Our fortress and deliverer
From all the tempests that occur.
His love and perfect peace, they will prevail.
Rebecca Bond
extracted from the Jul 2022 issue of Youthful Days
Our God
He has fixed the set proportions of the ocean and the land
According to the details of His plan;
He has “measured out the waters in the hollow of His hand”
And “meted out the heavens with His span.”
He controls th’ unconquered orbit of “the light that rules the
And guides the myriad worlds that shine at night;
Brings forth the host of heaven by their numbers to display
The uncontested brilliance of His might.
But although His arm is power in the infinite expanse,
That same unerring arm is in control
To determine and to govern my every circumstance –
To claim supreme submission in my soul.
And though He counts the nations as “the dust upon the scale”
And soars above their triumphs and alarms,
He remembers all about us – that our frame of dust is frail,
And holds us in His “everlasting arms.”
extracted from the Nov 2020 issue of Youthful Days
Just Alone
Called apart from active service,
Called apart from rush and tear,
Called aside in rest and quiet
His blest company to share!
Oft His voice would call attention
To an over busy heart!
And perhaps ’tis passed unheeded—
Therefore He must call apart,
So that by His hand made quiet,
We may hear His voice more clear,
Undistracted and secluded
Just alone—with Him so near!
Master! May my heart and spirit,
In this restful blest retreat,
Hear Thy voice with deep attention,
Listen, sitting at Thy feet.
extracted from the Jul 2020 issue of Youthful Days
It is finished
“It is finished!” – what a Gospel!
Nothing has been left to do,
But to take with grateful gladness
What the Saviour did for you.
“It is finished!” – what a Gospel!
Bringing news of victory won,
Telling us of peace and pardon
Through the blood of God’s own Son.
“It is finished!” – what a Gospel!
He will wash your sins away
If you turn to Him, repenting.
He will hear you, don’t delay.
“It is finished!” – what a Gospel!
Jesus died to set you free.
Peace with God, and home in heaven
Can be yours eternally.
extracted from the Jan 2020 issue of Youthful Days
Tell Me, What’s A Christian?
(2 Timothy 2:1-15)
A young lad to his father said:
“I know that I am saved,
But tell me, what’s a Christian,
And how should one behave?”
The father takes him on his knee,
And looks into his eyes.
Then opens up his Bible
And solemnly replies:
My child, you are a soldier,
You’re fighting for the Lord.
You use the armour He provides
And wield the Spirit’s sword.
My child, you are an athlete,
So keep the end in sight.
He’ll give you strength to carry on
And run with all your might.
My child, you are a farmer.
The seasons may seem long.
But what you reap returns to God
In prayer, and praise, and song.
My child, you are a craftsman.
Be careful when you preach
To use the plumb line of God’s word
To keep true what you teach.
Pray each day to the Lord, and take
The Bible as your guide,
And you will find your whole life through
He’ll walk there by your side.
extracted from the Jul 2019 issue of Youthful
My Help
Th’Almighty God who made the world
And all that is therein
Is not too great to hear my voice
When lifted up to Him.
His ear is not too dull to hear
My humble, earnest plea;
His arm is not too short to save
A sinful wretch like me.
I lift to Him my eyes in faith
When struggling in the way;
I cast my burdens onto Him
For He has said I may.
He gives me strength to live for Him,
Gives light when days are dark;
He takes my doubts and fears away,
Shines peace into my heart.
My help comes from the Lord, who made
The earth, the sky, the sea;
I trust in Him with all my heart,
I know He cares for me.
extracted from the May 2019 issue of Youthful Days
There’s One who knows
There’s One in heaven who knows our need,
And from His throne would intercede,
He answers, oft before we call,
The Saviour, Jesus, Lord of all.
He knows just when the way is drear,
He knows our sorrow, sees each tear;
Would whisper, “Child, you need not fear,
For I am with you, always near.”
So trust Him, for He loves to share
Each joy or sorrow, burden, care;
He wants to bless and give us peace,
Make all our anxious thoughts to cease.
Then as we rest in Him alone
And bring our needs before His throne,
We’ll know the peace He loves to give,
Strength for each day and grace to live.
Until we see Him face to face
And share with Him in heaven a place.
Then we shall praise eternally
The One whose love has set us free.
extracted from the Sept 2017 issue of Youthful Days